Wednesday, August 31, 2011

What Ever Happened To Eisley?

Way back ago I used to love a band called Eisley. Yesterday I googled them and found out they've actually been very busy. Their music has definitely improved and I'm definitely falling back in love with them and not to mention Mrs. Dupree-Bemis' style is to die for! (she's the one with the pink hair)

In the past week, aside from my recent Eisley obsession and outlining for my still untitled upcoming novel (that sounds pretentious doesn't it?) my wonderful loving wonderful parents got me a car! I call her TARDIS because she's a beautiful TARDIS blue and although she has a few problems with her I should be able to drive her to school starting within the next two weeks. 
I can never take a picture without there being a glare, I swear. 
(notice the vans in the background, oh suburbia)

And I just found out today that a club at my school has approved an assembly/bracelet drive that raises awareness to the problems in both Africa and Haiti that I proposed just monday. So hopefully the school approves it and it will happen. I feel so accomplished to have gotten it this far already even though there's still so much more to come. 

Ever since losing Once from my old computer I'm really thinking about finally buying it. Being in the top 5 of my favorite movies since about the 8th grade I think buying it would be a great idea. Honestly who doesn't tear up at the end of that movie? It's so good. 
(source: weheartit)

I've also realized that I really love weddings. Pastels, creativity, love, oh my! what more could you ask for?
(source: pinterest)
(source: ben christensen)
(source: Once Wed)
I'm definitely a rustic wedding kind of girl. 

Okay okay, enough about weddings. Here are some favorite finds: 
donut macarons? Yes please! 
(source: pinterest)
(source: versaemerge)
(source: pinterest)

Thursday, August 25, 2011

weeks are going by way too fast

Days are too. I feel like this month has sped by, it scares me to think that the rest of the year is going to be like this and before I know it I'm off to Tempe. I'm nervous about the future, I feel like I'm ready for it but then again another part of me doesn't. Life has also become a bit repetitive, I want something exciting to happen to get me out of this funk I'm in.

As for now here are some favorite finds: 

(I want this so bad^)

ps this blog was rushed as my food just got home, sorry. So long for now!

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Sunday with Karen

on Sunday I got to reunite with my love Karen, it's been nearly 8 months since we've last hung out just us. We saw the beautiful Darren Criss in 3D, which was wonderful. His three songs were the highlight of the movie and had me squealing like a fangirl the whole way through. Oh and those Glee kids did good as well.
I hate how one minute my iphone can take good photos and the next it takes horrible ones.

 As fun as sunday was I sort of wish I had the means (and by means I mean a day off of school) so that I could go up to San Francisco and see Arcade Fire. But of course being 17 means I can't just get up and drive away for the day, so I had to miss them and MGMT as well. 

I also got a huge surprise today when I saw my elementary school friend Danny today. He's recently returned from Texas after moving there in middle school and I was overjoyed to see him. 

And since school hasn't been giving me any homework as of late I've been rewatching two shows. The ever amazing Doctor Who and Gossip Girl. Oh how I love those so. 
source: weheartit

On saturday while cleaning out my belongings to take to buffalo exchange I came across some old CDs in a box, one being The Killers' Sam's Town. Since then I've been listening to all of their CDs. I've never fully realized just how good of a band that they are. 

Saturday, August 13, 2011

West Coast

I'm spending my entire morning going through old clothes of mine to take to buffalo exchange sometime next week to get some extra money. It's tiring for sure, I feel like my arms are about to fall off from all the sorting I've been doing but it'll be rewarding in the end. Most of the stuff that I have are band tee shirts that I'll probably end up selling online because most thrifts won't take them, so I'll probably set up a site and post a link soon.

This week, aside from doing school work, I've been applying for scholarships because recently ASU has been sending me things through email and the mail telling me to apply soon. It's weird to think that I'm going to college soon, it's so overwhelming. But now my life is all about money, money for college, money for shows, money to be able to go places, money money money.

I attempted to go see a meteor shower last night with Steven in Huntington Beach but with my luck, nothing happened (curse you california pollution). But it was still a great way to end my friday. We were in the background of someone's planking picture, overheard a banjo and harmonica player, and saw the ocean turn blue from the full moon. It was amazing seeing the ocean like that, it made me realize how much I'm going to miss it once I move to Ariziona.

Now time for some current favorite finds:

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

I like senior year.

Good classes, good friends, what more could I ask for?

I guess I'll elaborate a bit
Period 1: It's a fashion class which means it's nothing but girls! None of which I know (but like I said I like classes with people I don't know). The room was completely dull, boring, and definitely felt very cold, hopefully I'll warm up to it soon.

Period 2: A class I've been waiting to take since my freshman year: multicultural studies. The teacher is wonderfully hilarious, my good friend James is in it as well as a bunch of people from my spanish 2 class and my english class. I really can't wait to begin study in that class I have a feeling it's going to be my favorite.

Period 3: Boring class. I was the only person who sat in front of the class. For some reason there's two teachers for one english 4 class. There were a lot of true cholo mexicans sitting behind me which was really uncomfortable. I guess it's the one class I don't like very much.

Period 4: computer class. it's quiet, everything is blocked on the internet so severely that I couldn't even log onto So weird.

Period 5: TA-ing for my favorite teacher ever. We reunited with a huge hug, we talked about our summers, and tried to make the freshman class she has talk more.

Period 6: My teacher has an awesome beard, I sit at  huge desk, and it's a history class so of course I love it!

Anyway, in more exciting news Fairline is back together (or at least Nathaniel Moon is continuing the band). I'm so excited I can hardly contain it.

Monday, August 8, 2011

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Shark Attack!

      Oh boy oh boy I start school next tuesday. I'm excited to finally be a senior, considering I've waited nearly my entire life for this. I got all the classes and no math! Finally a year without any mathematical woes (last year I had a super easy class but wanted to kill the kids in there), so there's no doubt I'll repeat my straight A's this year. I'm still considering the wonderful Concordia University for college but I'm actually thinking of possibly transferring there after two years at ASU, I'm absolutely in love with both Montreal and Tempe but since college will be my first time away from home I'm going to stick to Tempe for a while since it's not as long of a distance that my parents could come visit me.
Talking about Montreal brings me to this wonderful video of the ever amazing Arcade Fire as "Shark Attack" during a surprise performance at Slappyfest in Sackville, NB. There's numerous videos from that night of the band that I've watched and each one are so powerful. They look like they're having the time of their lives up there. They put on such a great show I hope that the rumors about them playing in LA in October is true. Even though their last show of the year is said to be September 22nd, I'm hoping that that's just a rumor as well. I'm itching, no dying to see them. But anyway the video is real great. 

Having not been on the internet very much thanks to Steven and my parents for the past few days I've only stumbled across one wonderful find. Oh Darren Criss, how yummy you are. 

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

The Suburbs

On August 2nd 2010 I downloaded Arcade Fire's The Suburbs from the itunes store. I knew the band since their video for Rebellion would always play after My Chemical Romance's Helena back when I was in 5th grade (that in itself is a long somewhat funny story). I loved their album Funeral as well as Neon Bible but had nearly forgot about them since it was so long since Neon Bible had been released. I still downloaded the new album in hopes that I would enjoy it like the others. Before they were never a big band in my life because I liked either more pop-punk or more screaming (I don't know what I was thinking) music, so they were always just one of those bands that would sit in my ipod waiting for a chance to be played if they ever crossed my mind. The moment the opening track to The Suburbs began playing everything changed for me, maybe it was because I was a little bit older or maybe it was just the magic of the album but it fascinated me, that piano, the nostalgia heard in Win's voice, the suburbs "oh hey I live in them!" connection, whatever it was made me think twice about the music I enjoy. Both The Suburbs and The Maine's album Black and White were the biggest things to ever happened to me, they  opened my eyes and ears to so much more than what I had imagined could be played in rock and roll music. I became a different person because of those albums, but mainly The Suburbs because it made me go back and listen to Funeral and Neon Bible, listen to each individual song, pick out the instruments playing one by one, and then listen to the lyrics, and finally the whole song together. Listening to Arcade Fire became a process, something i had never had to do when listening to a band with the simple lead guitar-bass-drum-rhythm guitar-vocal combination. Ever since then, after taking in each CD from each song dissecting it and putting it back together did I fall as hard as I could for this band. Arcade Fire really did change my life with this album, it led me to finding a band I adore for their talent to run across stage and grab a new instrument for the next song, or take chances like recording in a church a song about the commercialism in modern religion. There's nothing about them I don't adore. Now, because this blog is getting way too long I'll cut right to the chase: it's been one year since The Suburbs came out, in that time it's topped dozens of album of the year lists, won a Brit Award, a juno, and a grammy. It's had a deluxe edition released with a short film based upon it. And it's turned the band into festival headliners. If I say so, it's been an innovative album not just for me but for the band as well.

So without further ado to end this blog here is my favorite video from each song on the album.
The Suburbs + The Suburbs (continued)
Ready to start
Modern Man
Empty Room
City With No Children
there's no videos for Half Light I
Half Light II (No Celebration)
Suburban War (my favorite off the album)
Month of May
Wasted Hours
Deep Blue
We Used To Wait
there are no videos for Spawl I (Flatland)
Sprawl II (Mountains Beyond Mountains)