Sunday, July 10, 2011

The City

Every now and then I end up in LA for the day. Yesterday aside from getting the new Q Magazine with Arcade Fire on the cover, looking at a car, and going thrifting I ended up at Tim Burton's art exhibit at LACMA. It was so trippy. Burton has such a dark humorous mind. I wish there were more Sweeny Todd props and drawings than what there were, but there were quite a lot of Corpse Bride stuff which I enjoyed very much. His childhood drawings were also very interesting. There's really too many things to comment on without going into detail and making this a really long blog.

  Me looking like a complete tourist. 

And another

Starbucks also decided to start giving cake-pops in the cutest little boxes. 

On friday after driving lessons all around the town next to mine I got out a bike from my shed and rode around the neighborhood listening to The Suburbs. I really never felt like such a suburban kid until that exact moment. That was a real highlight of my weekend to me, I don't know why but there was something so freeing about being on that bike. Even though I'm still sore from all the riding I did. 
This song really describes my entire experience on that bike. 

I've also become really obsessed with Darren Criss' voice lately. I'm not a Glee fan at all but I'm definitely a fan of Darren. 

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