Sunday, April 8, 2012


This past friday I skipped school and went with the lovely Karen and Christine to Sycamore Canyon beach in Malibu. Since they were on spring break I ditched school to sleep in and then pick them up. It was a long drive, I got lost numerous times due to Karen's horrible navigation skills (I still love ya though, babe!) and Malibu is way bigger than I ever expected and because the beach is at the very end of the city it was a long twenty nine miles of curves and trying not to crash as we danced/sang along to Big Time Rush and One Direction. There was wind at the beach, which made it a bit chilly, but aside form that it was a perfect day for the beach. We jumped off the tree that One Direction did the same as in their What Makes You Beautiful music video, we ate cupcakes out of mason jars, drank absolutely great lemonade, and wonderful pasta. Some boys also hit on us which was really awkward, so naturally I did what I do best and pretended I was asleep to avoid talking to them as I lied on my towel. We did a lot of relaxing on the beach, I'm really surprised I didn't tan or burn considering i didn't wear any sunscreen.

After the beach we headed to Ameoba for the girls' first experience there. I wasn't planning on getting anything while there, but ended up with An Education on DVD and an Ed Sheeran imported CD for $3 courtesy of Karen. After that we headed back home, first dropping off Christine and then spending the rest of the night at Karen's. I spent a few hours of the night making a youtube video and then we fell asleep. On Saturday I stayed in town with Karen, we drove around, went to a park, ate at a really great bakery called 85 and did whatever we could to stay away from the internet as to avoid spoilers from One Direction's iCarly or SNL. When the time finally came we watched our boy's dominate American television and do a wonderful job at it. I'm so very proud of them and am glad to call myself one of their fans, all of this exposure they are getting is wonderful and they deserve it so much. 

As of now (Sunday) I am finally home, too tired from driving all weekend that I haven't moved in six hours. I'm not exactly excited to be going back to school after my wonderful weekend, but I must. I have plans to take Ana to Hooters for the first time on tuesday and some quality time with Steven on friday, which I have to look forward to. 

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