Tuesday, February 14, 2012

What day is it?

Oh it's valentines day! I love today, everyone is always so happy and being the writer I am I'm a sucker for romantics so this is one of my favorite days, even if I may not be celebrating it with a "special someone". I got sweets from my friend Mia, got called "Zooey Deschanel" twice, and got an absolute tear-jerking card from Karen to start off my morning.
Karen's card for me - so beautiful. 

And also after so many months of trying + failing i finally conquered the ballerina bun, courtesy of http://thebeautydepartment.com/

In honor of Valentines day I've been listening to Brighten all day, a band who writes some of the greatest love songs of all time (in my opinion). 

Over the past few days I've come across so many funny valentines day cards created by interwebbers, but nothing holds in comparison as one I came across on www.collegehumor.com

I laughed so hard when I was shown this and it's all I've been thinking about today. If anyone were to ever give this to me I'm pretty sure I'd marry them. 
aside from valentines day, this past friday I was at Barnes & Noble in Santa Monica and came across a beautiful hardcover edition to my favorite book, This Side of Paradise. Next to it was also another book by F. Scott called Tales of The Jazz age and I want them so bad! They are so pretty but so dang expensive! ($25) 

I'm currently reading The Beautiful and The Damned and it's such a great book, there's a quote just within the first few pages that realy connected with me, about the main character Anthony, "At sixteen he had lived almost entirely within himself, an inarticulate boy, throughly un-American, and politely bewildered by his contemporaries." 

I've also been greatly obsessed with The Fray's new album as of yesterday. 

Now to end this post with a picture of F. Scott and Zelda Fitzgerald, two people so insanely in love with each other it inspired many brilliant pieces of work from one and drove the other to a sanatorium. Their love was a novel all in its own. 

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