on Thursday it was my last day of high school. It was a bittersweet moment. The day felt somewhat normal until I reached my TA class, where I basically spent the whole year learning how to teach a class. For most of the year i hated the class full of freshman, they were all so unmotivated to learn, and at times annoying due to their lack of understanding or immature jokes. But on the last day i realized how much I love that damn class and how much I'm going to miss them. My teacher for that class was Miss Graham, probably the best most influential person in my life. I'm most definitely going to miss her. If it weren't for her I would never be going into teaching. We still have graduation and gradnite to see each other, but after that I am going to miss her more than anybody at that school.
In my 6th period I also had to say an emotional goodbye to a teacher who I also really connected with. I promised to stay in contact with him by email, but still I'm going to miss him incredibly.
On thursdayI also went with a few friends to Santa Monica beach to spend the day and then go to the Moonrise Kingdom midnight premiere at the arclight. The film was amazing (I'll post a blog on it later), so amazing that I saw it twice already and I plan on seeing it again soon. (I also saw Chris Colfer from Glee in Starbucks but he left while we were fangirling in the corner so we didn't get to talk to him. Oh how I'm going to miss random celeb sightings once I leave)
I did my nails in colors inspired by Sam and Suzy.
the arclight bathroom is AMAZING
I saw it on saturday again, this time with my mom and dad, whom also love Wes Anderson.
my friend Saira took a few pictures of my morning group. i spent every morning of senior year with them and I'm going to miss that so much. But anyway - here we are doing an exaggerated version of the "Saira Pose".
Here is also my very last picture in my high school bathroom. I definitely won't miss those mirrors.
On saturday I also went with my parents to Bottega Louie for some dinner. It was sweet.
I also got a few graduation presents, the vinyl I bought as a gift for myself, but the rest was from my parents. The Criterion Collection version of The Darjeeling Limited (my favorite movie) and One Direction's Dare To Dream.
Up next on wednesday: Graduation.